Сарадња са Академијом за уметност и дизајн из Гранаде у оквиру Еразмус + програма

Presentation ESADA scaled

У оквиру Еразмус + програма Факултет примењених уметности је имао задовољство да 26. и 27. октобра угости Феликса Герера Бланка, шефа службе за међународну сарадњу Академије за уметност и дизајн у Гранади (ESADA) из Шпаније. Са овом високошколском установом Факултет успешно остварује размену студената већ неколико година. Академија пружа могућности за Еразмус размене студентима и запосленима пре свега на 4 постојећа студијска програма:
• Графички дизајн
• Дизајн ентеријера
• Савремено одевање
• Дизајн производа

Током своје посете господин Гереро је имао прилику да се упозна са процедурама које Факултет примењује у раду са долазним и одлазним Еразмус студентима и запосленима, али и да одржи презентацију своје установе заинтересованим студентима ФПУ-а.

Његова запажања и утиске током мобилности преносимо у целости.

My Erasmus+ Mobility for Training
I never imagined that this experience was going to be so gratifying! My first big trip during the pandemic and it could not have been better!
As Erasmus+ Coordinator at Andalusian Higher School of Art and Design (ESADA) in Granada (Spain), I was very grateful to have the opportunity to meet one of our partners, the University of Arts in Belgrade, during my Training Mobility. It was realized in the period from 25 October to 29 October 2021.
I also had the opportunity to visit two of our Fashion Design students, Paula Fernández and Alejandro Ortega, who are doing an Erasmus+ mobility at the Faculty of Applied Arts. Besides, ESADA had the pleasure to host one incoming student from this Faculty, Isidora Vulić, who did an Erasmus mobility during the first semester of the academic year 2020-21. And it was very nice to see her again in Belgrade, but in a different way.
During my mobility, I could meet and put a face to the Head members of their International Relations Office, Mrs. Jasmina Milovanović and Mr. Sava Popović (because we are all the time writing emails to each other). They were very approachable and we were able to discuss good practices that have been established in the partnership, as well as the keep on working on new agreements. Now, everything will be easier.
In addition, I had the pleasure to meet Mrs. Zana Bogunović and Prof. Miloš Ilić at the Faculty of Applied Arts, with whom I could discuss our methodologies in order to improve the cooperation. They showed me some of the different buildings and facilities of this Faculty and the rectorate of University of Arts in Belgrade, which are located right in the city centre, near the beautiful Kalemegdan Park and next to the Sava River. Such stunning views they have! And I fell in love with their library.
One of the targets of my visit was to do a presentation about my school for their students. I hope it was motivating for all of them and we will be happy to welcome more incoming students, teachers and staff at ESADA in the near future.
I am sure that my visit has been very positive and it will let both institutions strengthen our relations in the future and, of course, we will be able to collaborate in new projects together.
I can only say good things about my visit and my stay in Belgrade, an unknown place for me with lots of incredible places and monuments full of charm and history everywhere. Nice people and delicious Serbian food. And I was so lucky with the sunny weather and I was able to enjoy one of the most beautiful sunsets that I have seen from the Kalemegdan Park.
Thank you everyone for giving me this opportunity and for being marvellous hosts. And a special thanks to Isidora for letting me discover many wonderful places in this amazing city. I really felt like a real Serbian from day one!
Without a doubt, I will come back soon to visit you again.
Félix Guerrero.
Erasmus+ Coordinator at ESADA

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